all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 6AA 14 1 53.931767 -2.908249
PR3 6AB 34 3 53.929819 -2.90085
PR3 6AE 44 2 53.926432 -2.895798
PR3 6AF 8 0 53.928795 -2.897127
PR3 6AG 4 0 53.929075 -2.896951
PR3 6AH 13 3 53.922911 -2.895479
PR3 6AJ 1 1 53.922302 -2.893943
PR3 6AL 42 1 53.922914 -2.891474
PR3 6AP 2 0 53.929241 -2.896965
PR3 6AQ 30 1 53.92232 -2.887883
PR3 6AR 22 1 53.919454 -2.880407
PR3 6AS 15 2 53.927987 -2.882429
PR3 6AT 2 0 53.938646 -2.876921
PR3 6AU 28 0 53.929921 -2.895537
PR3 6AW 8 0 53.928318 -2.897163
PR3 6AX 8 2 53.908562 -2.893543
PR3 6AY 10 0 53.898651 -2.873653
PR3 6BA 25 0 53.900138 -2.865679
PR3 6BB 7 1 53.900312 -2.839962
PR3 6BD 54 39 53.889219 -2.849051